Motor vehicle is generally deductible if you need to travel for work though unfortunately home to office is not – not even for ATO employees.
Work-related travel that you pay for to conferences, training or courses etc. can also be claimed including accommodation and sometimes meals.
Work-related clothing is deductible if you need to purchase a company uniform, protective wear or do your own laundry. Unfortunately, the Cue dress or Hugo Boss suit are not deductible but the Gucci sunglasses are deductible if you have to drive or be outside (for sun protection).
Courses and education even if you are top of your game and want to learn more! You are still entitled to claim any self-education expenses you incur for your job.
Tools of trade is a big one so don’t miss out! Your laptop and phone might be included and if like many sales staff you work from home you can claim 45c for every hour you sit around the dining table at home preparing the next big pitch!
Donations – if like many you have helped people all year round this is when it will help you! Donations to a DGR are tax-deductible. It definitely pays to help others!
Accounting fees – So why do it yourself when your accounting fees are tax-deductible? Don’t forget you can even claim the travel to see us!
Also don’t forget Private Health Insurance and Income Protection (Yes you can get insurance to protect your income!)